Insurance Coverage

Under California Dorect Access Law (AB1000), patients can typically access the services of a licensed physical therapist without requiring a prescription from a medical doctor. In most cases, patients have the opportunity to receive treatment for a period of up to 12 visits or 45 days, whichever comes first (excluding authorization-based policies). This provision allows individuals to promptly access the necessary care from a physical therapist to address their specific needs.

We are in-network with

● Medicare
● Tricare
● TriWest
● Most Blue Shield of California PPO Plans
If your insurance policy includes out-of-network benefits, we can still provide services to you within the insurance coverage.
My Physio for Life Physical Therapy Clinic and Wellness Center

Change in Coverage

● We follow the recommended procedure of to ensure your convenience, we make an effort to obtain an estimate of benefits from your insurance company before your initial appointment. Although we strive for accuracy, please be aware that the estimated benefits we provide are based on information from your insurance and are not guaranteed.

The Deductible

● The deductible of your policy is a specific amount of money that you must personally pay before your insurance benefits come into effect.


● Your copay is a fixed dollar amount that signifies your financial obligation for a claim, and it typically remains constant regardless of the allowed amount of the claim.

Out of Pocket Maximum

● The out-of-pocket maximum refers to the highest dollar amount for which you bear personal responsibility during your policy year. After reaching this threshold (in most policies), your insurance typically covers 100% of services until the start of your next policy year.